Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Details of how to secure your date...

We ask that you please call or email us to check if your time is available...

If it is available we will email you a contract which you will sign and mail us back with a check($200)... we also accept paypal or cash. We ask for a $200 deposit to hold the date which if there are no damages will be returned to you after your stay.

Then we ask you to pay us one month ahead of the time you will be staying with us (ie if you will be staying Jan 1 - March 1... please pay us the month of January by Dec. 1... then at the end of January pay us for the month of Feb.) If you will only stay a couple of weeks we ask that you pay that time in full one month before you arrive. thank you.

The price is $500 per week. per month is $2000. This includes utilities and all your linens, and kitchen supplies.

If you have a pet that will be staying we ask for a $100 deposit which we will keep $50 of that to have the home professionally sprayed after your stay.. If there is no damage we will refund you your other $50 after your stay.

If you have a little baby we can loan you a nice port-a-crib and a baby bathtub, etc.

We will have someone to cut the grass and do any necessary weeding and trimming usually on Mondays... and if you need someone to do a cleaning once per week for you we can set that up for a fee.

If there are any more questions please call or email
Thank you very much for your interest!


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